在香港举行的首脑会议聚集全球青年,讨论经济发展和创新问题。 Summit in Hong Kong gathers global youth to discuss economic development and innovation.
2024年在香港举行的全球青年发电机构峰会使来自30个国家的200多名现场与会者和4 500名在线与会者聚集一堂,讨论全球经济发展和创新。 The Global Youth Powerhouse Summit 2024 in Hong Kong brought together over 200 in-person and 4,500 online participants from 30 countries to discuss global economic development and innovation. 重要领导人强调香港在培养人才和促进国际合作方面的作用。 Key leaders highlighted Hong Kong's role in nurturing talent and fostering international collaboration. 首脑会议还举办了关于创新、经济增长和领导力的讲习班和讨论。 The summit also featured workshops and discussions on innovation, economic growth, and leadership.