在卡塔尔举行的青年峰会结束时,重点关注遗产、可持续性以及海湾未来增长的技术。 Youth summit in Qatar concludes with focus on heritage, sustainability, and tech for Gulf's future growth.
2025年在卡塔尔多哈举行的海湾合作委员会青年峰会最后提出了海湾区域增长建议,重点是文化遗产保护、可持续性和气候挑战。 The GCC Youth Summit 2025 in Doha, Qatar, concluded with recommendations for Gulf regional growth, focusing on cultural heritage preservation, sustainability, and climate challenges. 青年专家和青年专家讨论了使经济多样化远离石油、先进技术部门以及改进保健系统等问题。 Youth and experts discussed diversifying economies away from oil, advancing technology sectors, and improving healthcare systems. 首脑会议强调了青年在塑造该区域未来中的关键作用。 The summit highlighted the pivotal role of youth in shaping the region's future.