研究将博茨瓦纳350多头大象的死亡与气候变化和水中的有毒藻类联系起来。 Study links over 350 elephant deaths in Botswana to climate change–fed toxic algae in water.
King's College London的一项研究将2020年博茨瓦纳350多头非洲大象的死亡与因气候变化而加剧的水洞中的有毒藻类联系起来。 A study from King's College London links the deaths of over 350 African elephants in Botswana in 2020 to toxic algae in water holes, exacerbated by climate change. 研究人员利用卫星数据分析水洞,发现极端天气条件造成藻类毒素的风险较高。 Researchers used satellite data to analyze water holes and found a higher risk of algal toxins due to extreme weather conditions. 这突出表明需要改善水质监测,以保护野生生物免受气候引起的中毒。 This highlights the need for better water quality monitoring to protect wildlife from climate-induced poisoning.