在Ridgeway 25岁的嫌疑人Takai Brodie 在29岁的Marquise Waller中枪身亡后自首 In Ridgeway, 25-year-old suspect Takai Brodie turned himself in after fatally shooting Marquise Waller, 29.
在亨利郡的Ridgeway 29岁的Antonio Waller侯爵 在星期四晚上被枪杀 In Ridgeway, Henry County, 29-year-old Marquise Antonio Waller was fatally shot on Thursday evening. 25岁的嫌疑人Takai Anthony Brodie在事件发生后不久自首,被指控犯有一级谋杀罪和重罪期间使用火器。 The suspect, Takai Anthony Brodie, 25, turned himself in shortly after the incident and has been charged with first-degree murder and use of a firearm during a felony. Brodie在亨利县成人拘留中心被无担保关押。 Brodie is being held without bond at the Henry County Adult Detention Center.