33岁的Jacquin Bethea在布朗斯威克县的Supply被枪杀, 一名嫌疑人被拘留. 33-year-old Jaquin Bethea was fatally shot in Supply, Brunswick County, and a suspect is in custody.
8月6日,33岁的Jaquin Bethea在不伦瑞克县供应站Ridge Road的一所家中遭到致命枪击。 33-year-old Jaquin Bethea was fatally shot in Supply, Brunswick County, at a home on Ridge Road on August 6th. 不伦瑞克县治安官办公室拘留了一名嫌疑人,该事件与外界隔绝,对公众没有危险。 The Brunswick County Sheriff's Office has a suspect in custody, and the incident is isolated, posing no danger to the public. 随着调查的继续,将公布进一步细节。 Further details will be released as the investigation continues.