NBN发言人建议黑色星期五期间在家庭互联网计划上节省260美元, NBN spokesperson advises on saving up to $260 on home internet plans during Black Friday.
NBN发言人Jane McNamara在黑色星期五销售期间,就优化家庭互联网计划提出建议。 Jane McNamara, an NBN spokesperson, advised on optimizing home internet plans during Black Friday sales. 她建议审查目前的计划,并考虑家庭需求,例如用户和装置的数量,以确保互联网的足够速度。 She suggested reviewing current plans and considering household needs, such as the number of users and devices, to ensure adequate internet speed. McNamara强调一年中可能节省260美元,并敦促消费者与其供应商联系,探讨节假日的成本效益高的选择方案。 McNamara emphasized potential savings of up to $260 over a year and urged consumers to contact their providers to explore cost-effective options for the holiday season.