Sky TV和Virgin Media在电视和宽带捆绑上提供大折扣,直到2月初为止。 Sky TV and Virgin Media offer big discounts on TV and broadband bundles until early February.
Sky TV 的 1 月促销活动将于 2 月 3 日结束,以每月 35 英镑的价格提供 Essential TV、Netflix 和 Full Fibre 150 宽带计划,可节省 120 英镑。 Sky TV's January sale ends February 3, offering the Essential TV, Netflix, and Full Fibre 150 broadband plan for £35 per month, a £120 saving. Ultimate TV、Sky Sports、Netflix 和 Full Fibre 150 宽带每月 72 英镑可享受 59 英镑的折扣。 The Ultimate TV, Sky Sports, Netflix, and Full Fibre 150 broadband is £72 off at £59 per month. 像Sky电影院和Sky Sky Sky Sky Sky Sky Sky Syplements那样的附加款是额外的费用。 Add-ons like Sky Cinema and Sky Sports cost extra. Virgin Media 的冬季促销将持续到 2 月 5 日,以具有竞争力的价格提供具有更快宽带速度的类似套餐。 Virgin Media's Winter sale, running until February 5, offers similar packages with faster broadband speeds for competitive prices.