MidCoast理事会的Barrington海岸品牌因其服务和营销在新南威尔士州旅游奖获得双银。 The MidCoast Council's Barrington Coast brand won double silver at NSW Tourism Awards for its services and marketing.
MidCoast理事会的Barrington海岸品牌在悉尼新南威尔士旅游奖获得双银奖。 The MidCoast Council's Barrington Coast brand won double silver awards at the NSW Tourism Awards in Sydney. 该品牌因其游客信息服务和旅游营销类的“不论需要什么”运动而得到承认。 The brand was recognized for its Visitor Information Services and its "Whatever It Takes" campaign in the Tourism Marketing category. 这是理事会第三次赢得多个奖项。 This is the third time the council has won multiple awards. 地方企业Myall River Camp和Waukivory Estate也分别以青铜和决赛地位得到承认。 Local businesses Myall River Camp and Waukivory Estate were also recognized with a bronze and finalist status, respectively. 新南威尔士州旅游奖颂扬提供特异访问经验的企业。 The NSW Tourism Awards celebrate businesses that deliver exceptional visitor experiences.