新南威尔士州最佳旅游城镇奖决赛入围者凯阿玛 (Kiama) 和布拉德拉 (Bulahdelah) 争夺公众投票。 NSW Top Tourism Town Awards finalists Kiama and Bulahdelah compete for public votes.
凯阿玛和布拉德拉入围 2024 年新南威尔士州顶级旅游城镇奖决赛,该奖项旨在表彰全州各地的地区旅游目的地。 Kiama and Bulahdelah are finalists for the 2024 NSW Top Tourism Town Awards, celebrating regional destinations across the state. 该奖项展示了旅游业对城镇和社区的价值,并设立了人口 5,000 人以上的城镇和旅游小城镇类别的决赛入围者。 The awards showcase the value of tourism to towns and communities, with finalists in categories for towns with 5,000+ population and small tourism towns. 公众可以在 5 月 13 日之前投票选出他们最喜欢的新南威尔士州旅游小镇,总分的 25% 由公众投票决定。 The public can vote for their favorite NSW tourism town until May 13, with 25% of the overall score determined by public votes.