Laurel警察在非致命方法失败后,将袭击一名男子的Montana K9击毙。 Laurel police euthanized a Montana K9 that attacked a man, after non-lethal methods failed.
周四早上,一名劳雷尔警官被迫对蒙大拿州公路巡逻队 K9 实施安乐死,此前该犬在怀俄明大道 800 街区袭击了一名男子。 A Laurel police officer was forced to euthanize a Montana Highway Patrol K9 on Thursday morning after the dog attacked a man in the 800 block of Wyoming Avenue. 尽管有人试图使用非致命方法制止袭击,但该名军官仍不得不用致命的枪打死这只狗,以结束袭击。 Despite attempts to stop the attack using non-lethal methods, the officer had to fatally shoot the dog to end the assault. 受害人被送往医院,伤势严重,但无生命危险。 The victim was taken to the hospital with serious but non-life-threatening injuries. 事件发生在上午8时后不久,目前正在进行调查。 The incident occurred shortly after 8 a.m. and is now under investigation.