加纳的倡导团体敦促各政党在12月7日选举前将重点放在可持续性上。 Ghana's advocacy group urges political parties to focus on sustainability before the Dec. 7 election.
一个西非倡导团体,即企业社会责任中心(CSR),正在敦促加纳主要政党在12月7日大选之前,在其政策中优先考虑可持续性问题。 A West African advocacy group, the Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), is urging Ghana’s main political parties to prioritize sustainability in their policies ahead of the December 7 general election. 该团体的共同创始人John Kojo Williams强调可再生能源、可持续农业和生态友好型制造业的必要性,以应对气候变化,提高加纳的全球竞争力。 The group’s co-founder, John Kojo Williams, emphasized the need for renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and eco-friendly manufacturing to address climate change and boost Ghana’s global competitiveness. 加纳是《巴黎协定》的签署国,需要政治承诺,为具有复原力的未来保持可持续性。 Ghana, a signatory to the Paris Agreement, needs political commitment to sustainability for a resilient future.