2014-2023年:加纳林业部门对国内生产总值的贡献从2.0%下降到1.5%,受到人口增长、非法伐木和养护不良的威胁。 2014-2023: Ghana's forestry sector GDP contribution declines from 2.0% to 1.5%, threatened by population growth, illegal logging, and poor conservation.
加纳统计局的一项研究表明,林业部门对国家国内生产总值的贡献从2014年的2.0%下降到2014年至2023年的平均1.5%。 A study by Ghana Statistical Service reveals the forestry sector's contribution to the country's GDP has declined from 2.0% in 2014 to an average of 1.5% from 2014 to 2023. 人口增长、非法伐木和不良的养护做法等因素威胁到支持生计和气候复原力的这一重要部门。 Factors such as population growth, illegal logging, and poor conservation practices threaten this vital sector, which supports livelihoods and climate resilience. 可持续森林管理和绿色加纳项目等倡议旨在应对这些挑战,加强该部门的经济影响。 Initiatives like sustainable forest management and the Green Ghana project aim to address these challenges and enhance the sector's economic impact.