GAIL签署与K-LINE的长期交易协议 新的LNG船, 扩大印度的能源船队。 GAIL signs long-term deal with K-LINE for a new LNG ship, expanding India's energy fleet.
印度能源公司GAIL与日本航运公司K-LINE签订了一项长期租船合同,由三星重工公司建造一艘新的LNG船,预计于2027年开始运营。 Indian energy firm GAIL signed a long-term charter contract with Japanese shipping company K-LINE for a new LNG ship, to be built by Samsung Heavy Industries and expected to start operations in 2027. 这标志着GAIL首次与K-LINE 进行新船的长期交易 This marks GAIL's first long-term deal with K-LINE for a new vessel. 这艘174 000立方米的船舶将扩大GAIL的LNG船队,目前由四艘船舶组成,明年还将有两艘船舶加入。 The 174,000 cubic meter ship will expand GAIL's LNG fleet, currently consisting of four vessels, with two more set to join next year. 这一行动旨在满足印度和国际上日益增长的能源需求。 This move aims to meet growing energy demands in India and internationally.