中国和巴基斯坦两国部长同意加强反恐和边境管制合作。 Chinese and Pakistani ministers agree to enhance counter-terrorism and border control cooperation.
2024年9月21日,中国部长陈明国和巴基斯坦内政部长莫辛·纳克维同意加强反恐合作和边境管制。 On September 21, 2024, Chinese Minister Chen Mingguo and Pakistan's Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi agreed to enhance cooperation in counter-terrorism and border control. 他们计划在新疆警察学院为吉尔吉特-巴尔蒂斯坦警察提供联合培训,并强调打击走私和毒品的重要性。 They plan joint training for Gilgit-Baltistan police at the Xinjiang Police Academy and emphasized the importance of combating smuggling and drugs. 两国都承认恐怖主义是相互的挑战,寻求相互学习彼此的经验,特别是在新疆。 Both nations recognized terrorism as a mutual challenge, seeking to learn from each other's experiences, particularly in Xinjiang.