巴基斯坦和中国的部长们在北京会晤,以加强安全和警务合作。 Pakistani and Chinese ministers met in Beijing to boost security and police cooperation.
联邦内政和麻醉品管制部长Mohsin Naqvi在北京与中国对口的Qi Yanjun会晤,讨论加强安全和警察合作的问题。 Federal Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control Mohsin Naqvi met with Chinese counterpart Qi Yanjun in Beijing to discuss enhancing security and police cooperation. 他们同意改进情报分享和边境安全,并讨论了警察技术和装备现代化问题。 They agreed to improve intelligence sharing and border security, and discussed modernizing police technology and equipment. Naqvi邀请Qi Yanjun访问巴基斯坦,强调对联合工作组最近举行的会议表示满意。 Naqvi invited Qi Yanjun to visit Pakistan, highlighting the satisfaction with recent Joint Working Group meetings.