中国在埃及建造了310M美元的玻璃厂,目标是到2025年底每天生产1 800吨。 China builds $310M glass plant in Egypt, aiming to produce 1,800 tons daily by late 2025.
中国玻璃控股有限公司已开始在埃及东北部建造一个价值3.10亿美元的玻璃厂,目的是促进当地的玻璃生产。 China Glass Holdings Co., Ltd. has started building a $310 million glass plant in northeastern Egypt, aimed at boosting local glass production. 位于开罗以东120公里处的500 000平方米设施,到2025年底竣工后,每天将生产1 000吨浮玻璃和800吨光伏玻璃。 The 500,000 square meter facility, located 120 km east of Cairo, will produce 1,000 tons of float glass and 800 tons of photovoltaic glass daily upon completion by late 2025. 该项目将创造大约1 000个工作岗位,并支持埃及的玻璃工业本地化和减少进口的战略。 The project will create about 1,000 jobs and supports Egypt's strategy to localize its glass industry and reduce imports.