中国福耀玻璃美国工厂不再是联邦调查局针对洗钱、人口走私、劳工剥削和金融犯罪的调查目标;焦点是第三方就业公司。 Chinese Fuyao Glass America plant cleared of being federal investigation target related to money laundering, human smuggling, labor exploitation, and financial crimes; focus on third-party employment company.
中国玻璃制造商福耀玻璃美国公司表示,该公司并不是联邦调查的对象,该调查暂时关闭了奥斯卡获奖 Netflix 电影《美国工厂》中出现的俄亥俄州工厂。 Chinese glass maker Fuyao Glass America says it was not the target of a federal investigation that temporarily shut down its Ohio plant featured in the Oscar-winning Netflix film "American Factory". 据该公司称,此次调查的重点是洗钱、潜在的人口走私、劳工剥削和金融犯罪,调查的中心是一家第三方就业公司。 The investigation, which focused on money laundering, potential human smuggling, labor exploitation, and financial crimes, centered on a third-party employment company, according to the company. 福耀玻璃美国公司将全力配合调查。 Fuyao Glass America intends to fully cooperate with the investigation.