澳大利亚和新西兰举行了20年领导人会谈,重点讨论气候、贸易和土著商业协作问题。 Australia and New Zealand marked 20 years of leadership talks, focusing on climate, trade, and indigenous business collaboration.
澳大利亚新西兰领导人论坛(澳新领导论坛)在悉尼庆祝成立20周年,重点是跨塔斯曼伙伴关系的未来。 The Australia New Zealand Leadership Forum (ANZLF) celebrated its 20th anniversary in Sydney, focusing on the future of the trans-Tasman partnership. 讨论内容包括气候变化、贸易和投资对话,以及促进土著企业与新兴领导人之间的协作。 Discussions included climate change, trade, and investment dialogues, as well as fostering collaboration between indigenous businesses and emerging leaders. 该委员会旨在加强经济一体化和两国监管的一致性。 The committee aims to enhance economic integration and regulatory consistency between both countries.