贸易部长McClay和Farrell在罗托鲁阿会晤,讨论根据CER协定加强跨塔斯曼贸易的问题。 Trade Ministers McClay and Farrell met in Rotorua to discuss enhancing trans-Tasman trade under the CER agreement.
新西兰的贸易部长Todd McClay和澳大利亚的贸易部长Don Farrell在罗托鲁阿召开会议,讨论促进320亿美元年贸易的《更密切经济关系协定》。 Trade Ministers Todd McClay of New Zealand and Don Farrell of Australia convened in Rotorua to discuss the Closer Economic Relations (CER) agreement, which facilitates $32 billion in annual trade. 它们侧重于加强跨塔斯曼贸易、加强监管一致性和解决非关税壁垒,特别是结构性木材出口方面的非关税壁垒。 They focused on enhancing trans-Tasman trade, strengthening regulatory coherence, and addressing non-tariff barriers, particularly on structural timber exports. 部长们与当地企业接触,发表联合声明,概述今后贸易倡议的优先事项。 The ministers engaged with local businesses and issued a joint statement outlining their priorities for future trade initiatives.