1977年至2014年,警方调查了5名以上协助Mohamed Al Fayed据称对111名受害人进行性虐待的个人。 Police investigating over five individuals aiding Mohamed Al Fayed in alleged sexual abuse of 111 victims from 1977 to 2014.
警方正在调查5名以上据称帮助已故商人Mohamed Al Fayed对111名妇女和女孩(包括当时13岁的妇女和女孩)实施性虐待的人。 Police are investigating more than five individuals who allegedly helped late businessman Mohamed Al Fayed commit sexual abuse against 111 women and girls, including one who was 13 at the time. 据称的虐待发生在1977年至2014年期间。 The abuse allegedly occurred from 1977 to 2014. 自最近公示以来,有90名新的据称受害者站出来。 Since recent publicity, 90 new alleged victims have come forward. 首都警察局也正在审查他们如何处理在Al Fayed一生中针对警察腐败的指控提出的申诉。 The Metropolitan Police are also reviewing how they handled claims against Al Fayed during his lifetime, amid allegations of police corruption.