20+ 前Harrods雇员指控已故业主Mohamed Al Fayed强奸和性攻击。 20+ former Harrods employees accuse late owner Mohamed Al Fayed of rape and sexual assault.
Harrods公司20多名前雇员指控已故业主Mohamed Al Fayed犯有强奸和性攻击罪,其中5名妇女具体指控强奸。 More than 20 former employees of Harrods have accused late owner Mohamed Al Fayed of rape and sexual assault, with five women specifically alleging rape. 据报告,这些事件发生在1984年至2010年Al Fayed拥有所有权期间伦敦和巴黎的财产。 These incidents reportedly occurred at properties in London and Paris during Al Fayed's ownership from 1984 to 2010. 哈罗德百货公司(Harrods)的现任所有者对这些指控表示“极度震惊”,为未能保护受害者道歉,并已开始解决与虐待有关的索赔。 Harrods' current owners expressed "utter appall" at the allegations, apologized for failing to protect victims, and have begun settling claims related to the abuse.