超过400人指控已故Harrods所有者Mohamed Al Fayed犯有性虐待和强奸罪。 Over 400 individuals have accused late Harrods owner Mohamed Al Fayed of sexual abuse and rape.
在9月播放英国广播公司纪录片后,400多人指控已故Harrods前业主Mohamed Al Fayed遭受性虐待和强奸。 Over 400 individuals have alleged sexual abuse and rape against the late Mohamed Al Fayed, former owner of Harrods, following a BBC documentary that aired in September. 这些指控包括数十年来在Harrods和Fulham FC等不同地点发生的涉及女性工作人员的事件。 The accusations include incidents involving female staff over several decades at various locations, including Harrods and Fulham FC. Harrods公司已作出道歉并启动了赔偿程序,代表幸存者的一个法律小组已开始对Al Fayed房产提起正式诉讼。 Harrods has issued an apology and initiated a compensation process, while a legal team representing survivors has begun formal proceedings against the Al Fayed estate.