苏格兰的Peterhead鱼市场在2026年从“shout”拍卖转向电子系统。 Peterhead fish market in Scotland to switch from "shout" auctions to electronic system in 2026.
苏格兰的Peterhead鱼市场将用由Peterhead港务局(PPA)核准的电子系统取代其传统的“Shout”拍卖。 The Peterhead fish market in Scotland will replace its traditional "shout" auction with an electronic system, approved by the Peterhead Port Authority (PPA). 这一变化得到利益攸关方的支持,目的是实现港口现代化,允许远程采购。 This change, supported by stakeholders, aims to modernize the port and allow remote purchasing. PPA对港口设施进行了大量投资,并认为这一举动对于维持其作为欧洲主要鱼类港口的地位至关重要。 The PPA has invested heavily in port facilities and views this move as crucial for maintaining its position as Europe's leading fish port. 电子拍卖系统定于2026年春季启动。 The e-auction system is set to launch in spring 2026.