11月27日,一名18岁的孩子和他的狗在锡拉丘兹被枪杀;两人正在接受治疗。 On Nov. 27, an 18-year-old and his dog were shot in Syracuse; both are receiving medical treatment.
11月27日星期三下午4时38分左右, 一名18岁的男子和一只一岁的狗在锡拉丘兹北区被枪杀。 An 18-year-old man and a one-year-old dog were shot in Syracuse's North Side on Wednesday, November 27, around 4:38 p.m. 受害者在后背下部受伤,在被送往上州大学医院后预计将存活下来。 The victim was wounded in the lower back and is expected to survive after being taken to Upstate University Hospital. 该狗也受伤,正在兽医中心接受治疗。 The dog was also injured and is receiving treatment at a veterinary center. 调查正在进行中,警方正在寻求公众提供任何信息。 The investigation is ongoing, and police are seeking any information from the public.