马耳他警方从马耳他自由港的一个集装箱上没收了价值1 400万欧元的约100公斤涉嫌可卡因。 Maltese police seized about 100 kg of suspected cocaine worth €14M from a container at Malta Freeport.
马耳他警方在马耳他自由港从厄瓜多尔的一个集装箱中查获了价值1 400万欧元的约100公斤涉嫌可卡因。 Maltese police seized about 100 kg of suspected cocaine, valued at €14 million, hidden in a container from Ecuador at the Malta Freeport. 在此之前,本月早些时候同样缉获了146公斤可卡因。 This follows a similar seizure of 146 kg of cocaine earlier this month. 3人被逮捕,调查正在进行中。 Three individuals have been arrested, and investigations are ongoing.