马耳他逮捕了一名22岁的巴西妇女,罪名是偷运隐藏在她体内的1公斤可卡因。 A 22-year-old Brazilian woman was arrested in Malta for smuggling 1 kg of cocaine hidden in her body.
一名22岁的巴西妇女在马耳他国际机场被捕,罪名是走私1公斤可卡因,价值130 000欧元,藏在她身体内。 A 22-year-old Brazilian woman was arrested at Malta International Airport for smuggling 1 kg of cocaine, valued at €130,000, hidden inside her body. 她在搭乘从巴塞罗那起飞的航班后表现出可疑行为,并试图在被发现后逃跑。 She exhibited suspicious behavior after arriving on a flight from Barcelona and attempted to flee upon detection. X射线扫描证实了这些药物,这些药物随后被移走进行调查。 X-ray scans confirmed the drugs, which were subsequently removed for investigation. 她预定在诺埃尔·巴托洛法官面前出庭。 She is scheduled to appear in court before Magistrate Noel Bartolo.