爱尔兰法院驳回开发商关于延长都柏林15个家庭项目的许可的上诉。 Irish court rejects developer's appeal to extend permission for 15-home project in Dublin.
爱尔兰高等法院驳回了一位开发商提出的延长都柏林Dalkey15所房屋的规划许可的请求。 The High Court in Ireland has rejected a developer's appeal to extend planning permission for 15 homes in Dalkey, Dublin. Grassridge有限公司认为,大流行病的拖延和高昂的建筑费用阻碍了大量工程的完成。 Grassridge Limited argued that pandemic delays and high construction costs had prevented substantial work from being completed. 然而,法院维持了该理事会的决定,指出“大量工程”是相对的,而且该理事会的拒绝并不过分。 However, the court upheld the council's decision, stating "substantial works" is relative and the council's refusal was not disproportionate.