爱尔兰最高法院做出不利于都柏林市议会的裁决,禁止就约翰尼·罗南 (Johnny Ronan) 的 SPDC 开发的都柏林北部两座公寓楼加高问题提出进一步上诉。 Irish Supreme Court rules against Dublin City Council, disallowing further appeals for increased heights of two north Dublin apartment blocks developed by Johnny Ronan's SPDC.
爱尔兰最高法院拒绝允许都柏林市议会就约翰尼·罗南 (Johnny Ronan) 的公司 Spencer Place Development Company (SPDC) 开发的都柏林北部港区两座公寓楼的加高提议提出进一步上诉。 The Irish Supreme Court has declined to allow Dublin City Council to make further appeals regarding the proposed height increases for two north Dublin dockland apartment blocks developed by Johnny Ronan's company, Spencer Place Development Company (SPDC). 拟议的建筑最初计划为每栋七层,但 An Bord Pleanála 允许 SPDC 将其高度增加到七层和 13 层。 The proposed buildings were initially planned to have seven floors each, but An Bord Pleanála permitted SPDC to increase their heights to seven and 13 storeys. 法院认为,该委员会的案件并未提出具有系统性或普遍重要性的问题,因为该法律问题仅在另外两起案件中出现过。 The court determined that the council's case did not raise a point of systemic or general importance, as the legal issue had only arisen in two other cases.