印尼Palembang的火灾造成三人死亡、两人受伤、多座建筑被毁。 Fire in Palembang, Indonesia, kills three, injures two, and destroys multiple buildings.
印度尼西亚苏门答腊Palembang市发生火灾, 11月28日造成三人死亡, A fire in Palembang city, Sumatra, Indonesia, killed three people and severely injured two others on November 28th. 火灾始于一个车间,蔓延到摧毁两个车间、两栋房屋和Ilir Timur II的一家商店。 The fire started in a workshop and spread to destroy two workshops, two houses, and a store in Ilir Timur II. 火灾的起因仍在调查之中。 The cause of the fire is still under investigation.