明尼苏达州州长蒂姆·瓦尔兹拒绝赦免41.8磅重的火鸡,而该火鸡将在感恩节送餐。 Minnesota Governor Tim Walz declined to pardon a 41.8-pound turkey, which will instead be served at Thanksgiving.
明尼苏达州州长蒂姆·瓦尔兹接受了一辆41.8磅重的火鸡汤姆,作为哈里斯-瓦尔兹总统票被击败后象征性演讲的一部分。 Minnesota Governor Tim Walz accepted a 41.8-pound turkey named Tom as part of a symbolic presentation following the defeat of the Harris-Walz presidential ticket. 与拜登总统不同,沃尔兹没有赦免火鸡, 说,“在明尼苏达州,我们知道火鸡很好吃。” Unlike President Biden, Walz did not pardon the turkey, stating that "in Minnesota we know turkeys are delicious." 这只火鸡由美国未来农民领袖佩斯利·冯伯格 (Paisley VonBerge) 饲养,将在她家人的感恩节晚餐上供应。 The turkey, raised by Future Farmers of America leader Paisley VonBerge, will be served at her family's Thanksgiving dinner. 明尼苏达州在火鸡生产方面领先全国,2023年饲养了3 850万只鸟类。 Minnesota leads the nation in turkey production, with 38.5 million birds raised in 2023. Walz强调必须在分裂的州立法机构中开展两党合作。 Walz emphasized the need for bipartisan cooperation in the divided state legislature.