Edmonton警方发现Tyler Graham手上沾满血迹和毒品750K美元,导致多项指控。 Edmonton police found Tyler Graham with blood on his hands and $750K in drugs, leading to multiple charges.
Edmonton警方回应11月19日的福利检查, 发现36岁的Tyler Graham身上沾满血迹, Edmonton police responded to a welfare check on November 19th and found 36-year-old Tyler Graham with blood on his hands and drugs visible in his home. 在获得搜查证后,他们缴获了价值将近750 000美元的毒品,包括甲基安非他明和可卡因,并缴获了一把被剥光的手枪。 After obtaining a search warrant, they seized nearly $750,000 worth of drugs, including methamphetamine and cocaine, and a defaced handgun. Graham面临多重指控,包括为贩运目的拥有财产。 Graham faces multiple charges, including possession for the purpose of trafficking.