警察在新斯科舍逮捕了Colin Graham和Amanda Binder,罪名是贩毒和其他罪名。 Police arrested Colin Graham and Amanda Binder in Nova Scotia for drug trafficking and other charges.
12月6日, 新斯科舍Pictou县警方在执行搜查令后逮捕了Colin Graham和Amanda Binder, 指控他们从事涉及可卡因、美沙酮和类固醇的贩毒活动。 On December 6, police in Pictou County, Nova Scotia, arrested Colin Graham and Amanda Binder after executing search warrants, charging them with drug trafficking involving cocaine, methadone, and steroids. Graham还因持有犯罪财产和违禁武器而面临指控。 Graham also faces charges for possession of property from crime and a prohibited weapon. 两人均被保释,定于2月3日出庭。 Both were released on bail and are set to appear in court on February 3.