在艾伯塔省因殴打被捕的男子;发现他携带毒品,包括芬太尼和武器。 Man arrested in Alberta for assault; found with drugs, including fentanyl, and weapons.
艾伯塔省Innisfail的一名男子在受到攻击指控后被捕,随后被控持有武器和毒品。 A man in Innisfail, Alberta, was arrested after an assault complaint and subsequently charged with weapons and drug possession. 在搜查迪克森以西的农村财产期间,警方查获了包括可卡因、芬太尼、甲基安非他明和GHB在内的毒品以及毒品包裹和武器。 During a search of his rural property west of Dickson, police seized drugs including cocaine, fentanyl, methamphetamine, and GHB, along with drug paraphernalia and weapons. Michael Stephanson,39岁,定于11月28日出庭。 Michael Stephanson, 39, is set to appear in court on November 28.