曾经在13年后被赦免的前说唱歌手G. Dep现在在哈莱姆帮助处于危险的年轻人. Ex-rapper G. Dep, granted clemency after 13 years, now aids at-risk youth in Harlem.
前饶舌歌手G. Dep, 以“特别交付”一类的点击而闻名, 于2023年因二度谋杀罪服刑13年后获得宽大处理。 Former rapper G. Dep, known for hits like "Special Delivery," was granted clemency in 2023 after serving 13 years for a second-degree murder conviction. 他18岁时供认了1993年的枪击案,最初17年未解决。 He confessed to a 1993 shooting when he was 18, originally unsolved for 17 years. G. Dep利用他的经验帮助有风险的年轻人避免犯罪。 Now working at SCAN-Harbor, a nonprofit in Harlem and the South Bronx, G. Dep uses his experience to help at-risk youth avoid crime. 他的案件突显了关于对少年犯判刑的辩论,自最高法院裁定青少年不得假释的强制性生活不符合宪法以来,有1 000多名少年犯获释。 His case highlights debates on sentencing for youth offenders, with over 1,000 juvenile lifers released since the Supreme Court ruled mandatory life without parole unconstitutional for juveniles.