澳大利亚警方逮捕了13人,这是该国有史以来最大的可卡因缉获量,价值760万澳元。 Australian police arrested 13 people in the country's largest-ever cocaine seizure, worth $760M.
澳大利亚警方逮捕了13人,包括11名男子和2名少年,这与该国缉获的可卡因数量之大有关。 Australian police have arrested 13 people, including 11 men and two juveniles, in connection with the country's largest-ever cocaine seizure. 这次行动名为 " 蒂伦多行动 " ,在昆士兰沿海截获了2.34吨可卡因,估计价值7.6亿美元。 The operation, named Operation Tyrrendor, resulted in the interception of 2.34 tonnes of cocaine, worth an estimated $760 million, off the coast of Queensland. 搜捕案涉及一艘渔船 船破裂,导致逮捕。 The bust involved a fishing boat that broke down, leading to the arrests. 嫌犯,有些与Comanchero Bikie团伙有关,被控阴谋进口商业量的边境管制毒品。 The suspects, some linked to the Comanchero bikie gang, face charges of conspiracy to import a commercial quantity of border-controlled drugs.