SWAC不顾ESPN报告, 允许杰克逊州访问Pine Bluff的练习影片。 The SWAC cleared Jackson State of accessing Pine Bluff's practice film, despite an ESPN report.
西南体育联盟 (SWAC) 已清除杰克逊州立大学 (JSU) 访问和使用阿肯色大学派恩布拉夫分校 (UAPB) 比赛周练习影片的指控。 The Southwestern Athletic Conference (SWAC) has cleared Jackson State University (JSU) of allegations that it accessed and used University of Arkansas-Pine Bluff's (UAPB) game-week practice film. 尽管一份引发调查的ESPN报告,但SWAC没有发现任何不道德行为的实质性证据。 Despite an ESPN report that sparked the investigation, the SWAC found no substantial evidence of unethical conduct. JSU坚持他们无罪,此事现已结案,尽管SWAC保留在出现新证据时审查新证据的权利。 JSU maintains their innocence and the matter is now closed, though the SWAC reserves the right to review new evidence if it emerges.