法官约翰·库珀暂时中止了 FSU 对 ACC 就媒体权利和处罚提出的诉讼,以便 FSU 有更多时间解决“个人管辖权”问题。 Judge John Cooper temporarily halts FSU's lawsuit against ACC over media rights and penalties, allowing FSU more time to address "personal jurisdiction" issue.
莱昂县巡回法官约翰·库珀暂时叫停了佛罗里达州立大学(FSU)对大西洋海岸联盟(ACC)的诉讼,该诉讼涉及媒体权利以及如果 FSU 退出联盟可能受到的处罚。 Leon County circuit judge John Cooper temporarily halted Florida State University's (FSU) lawsuit against the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) over media rights and potential penalties if FSU leaves the conference. 在案件继续进行之前,法官给予 FSU 更多时间来解决“个人管辖权”问题。 The judge granted FSU more time to address the issue of "personal jurisdiction" before the case can proceed. FSU 于 12 月 22 日提起诉讼,要求退出时支付超过 5 亿美元的罚款。 FSU filed a suit on December 22nd, challenging over $500 million in penalties if it wishes to exit.