SWAC将16名球员停职 并罚款两所学校 每一所学校25000美元 SWAC suspends 16 players and fines two schools $25,000 each over a post-game fight.
南西部运动会 (SWAC) 暂停了来自杰克逊州和阿拉巴马州的16名球员, The Southwestern Athletic Conference (SWAC) has suspended 16 players from Jackson State and Alabama State for a post-game altercation, fining both schools $25,000 each. 亚拉巴马州在赛季的余下时间 暂停了三个球员 Alabama State suspended three of its players for the rest of the season. SWAC专员Charles McClelland博士表示失望,并说会议将对不听话的行为实行零容忍政策。 SWAC Commissioner Dr. Charles McClelland expressed disappointment and stated the conference will enforce a zero-tolerance policy for unsportsmanlike conduct.