研究表明,巨猿和人类一样,在跟踪事件时注重关键课题,这表明了共同的认知基础。 Study reveals great apes, like humans, focus on key subjects when tracking events, suggesting a shared cognitive base.
对SPLOS生物学的一项研究显示,巨猿与人类一样,通过侧重于关键主题、表明共同认知机制来跟踪活动。 A study in PLOS Biology shows that great apes, like humans, track events by focusing on key subjects, indicating a shared cognitive mechanism. 研究人员发现,猿类和人类在视频中都更多地关注代理人和病人,这表明打破事件的能力先于语言而演变。 Researchers found that both apes and humans pay more attention to agents and patients in videos, suggesting that the ability to break down events evolved before language. 这种共享能力暗示语言的认知基础,虽然它不能解释为什么猿类不与人类交流相似。 This shared ability hints at a cognitive foundation for language, though it does not explain why apes do not communicate similarly to humans.