伦敦人批评挪威给英国的圣诞树礼物, 认为比揭幕还早“半死”。 Londoners criticize Norway's Christmas tree gift to UK, deeming it "half-dead" ahead of unveiling.
作为对第二次世界大战的感谢, 挪威每年向英国赠送的特拉法加广场圣诞树, 遭到了伦敦人的批评, The Trafalgar Square Christmas tree, a yearly gift from Norway to the UK in thanks for World War II support, faces criticism from Londoners who say it looks half-dead. 这棵树定于12月5日揭幕, 引发了社交媒体辩论, 有些人为树的外观辩护, The tree, set to be unveiled December 5, has sparked social media debate, with some defending its appearance and others calling it a "national disgrace." 这棵树的官方账户再次保证,一旦增加灯光,它会看起来更好。 The tree's official account reassures that it will look better once lights are added.