加利福尼亚提出法案 让野火受害者 起诉化石燃料公司 以应对气候变化。 California proposes bill to let wildfire victims sue fossil fuel firms over climate change.
加利福尼亚立法者提出了参议院第222号法案,允许野火受害者和保险公司就与气候变化有关的损害起诉化石燃料公司。 California lawmakers introduced Senate Bill 222, allowing wildfire victims and insurance companies to sue fossil fuel companies for damages related to climate change. 该法案认为,石油公司误导公众宣传其产品的风险,加剧了气候灾害。 The bill argues that oil companies misled the public about the risks of their products, intensifying climate disasters. 如果通过,这将是美国首次采取此类措施,旨在减轻受害者和保险公司的财政负担。 If passed, it would be the first of its kind in the US, aiming to alleviate financial burdens on victims and insurance companies.