一名日本男子因擅闯一千多所房屋作为减轻压力的爱好而被捕。 A Japanese man was arrested for trespassing into over 1,000 homes as a stress-relief hobby.
一名37岁的日本男子因非法闯入1,000多所住宅而被捕,他向警方承认,这种行为是他的爱好,有助于缓解压力。 A 37-year-old Japanese man was arrested for trespassing into over 1,000 homes, admitting to police that the act was his hobby and helped relieve stress. 他于星期一在日本南部Dazaifu进入一处房产后被抓获,屋主注意到他在那里。 He was caught on Monday after entering a property in Dazaifu, southern Japan, where he was noticed by the homeowners. 目前警方正在调查与该地区其他非法侵入案件的潜在联系。 The police are now investigating potential links to other trespassing cases in the area.