Ikea的首席执行官警告说,Trump提议的关税可能会提高公司货物的价格。 Ikea's CEO warns that Trump's proposed tariffs could raise prices on the company's goods.
Ikea的首席执行官警告说,当选总统特朗普提议的关税可能导致价格上涨,对该公司提供负担得起的商品的战略提出了挑战。 Ikea's CEO warned that President-elect Trump's proposed tariffs could lead to higher prices, challenging the company's strategy of offering affordable goods. Ikea的大多数产品在欧洲制造,三分之一在亚洲生产,主要是中国。 Most of Ikea's products are made in Europe, with a third produced in Asia, notably China. 尽管存在长期的供应商关系,但关税可能影响公司降低成本的能力,有可能影响到消费者钱包。 Despite long-term supplier relationships, tariffs may impact the company's ability to keep costs down, potentially affecting consumers' wallets.