在2023-24财政年度,维多利亚州地区居民在赌博机上损失了创纪录的6.92亿美元。 Regional Victorians lost a record $692m on gambling machines in the 2023-24 financial year.
在 2023-24 财年,维多利亚州地区居民在赌博机上损失了创纪录的 6.92 亿澳元,超过了之前全州 30 亿澳元的损失。 Regional Victorians lost a record $692 million on gambling machines in the 2023-24 financial year, surpassing the previous statewide loss of $3 billion. 尽管有些地区没有机器,但地区人均损失高于墨尔本。 Despite some areas having no machines, regional losses were higher per capita than Melbourne. 将引入强制性场所关闭,反赌博活动家提议推出一种具有损失限额的无现金卡,以减少伤害。 Mandatory venue closures will be introduced, and anti-gambling campaigners propose a cashless card with loss limits to reduce harm.