联合王国计划在2025年举行为期四天的银行假日,纪念自二战结束以来的80年,向退伍军人致敬。 The UK plans a 2025 four-day bank holiday to mark 80 years since WWII's end, honoring veterans.
联合王国计划在2025年实行为期四天的银行假日,以纪念第二次世界大战结束80周年,以此纪念“最伟大的一代”。 The UK plans to introduce a four-day bank holiday in 2025 to mark the 80th anniversary of the end of World War II, honoring the 'Greatest Generation.' 庆祝活动可能发生在5月8日欧洲日胜利或8月15日日本日胜利前后。 The celebration could occur around May 8, Victory in Europe Day, or August 15, Victory over Japan Day. 虽然没有确定具体日期,但可选办法包括5月9日和12日,或将8月22日加到现有的夏季银行假日。 While no specific dates are confirmed, options include May 9 and 12 or adding August 22 to the existing summer bank holiday. 这一行动旨在承认大约70 000名二战老兵的牺牲。 The move aims to recognize the sacrifices of the approximately 70,000 remaining WWII veterans.