两名嫌疑人被控从加拿大军团大厅盗窃价值5 000美元的战争纪念品。 Two suspects are charged with stealing $5,000 worth of war memorabilia from a Canadian legion hall.
两人Ashley Schell 32岁和Jesse Dawson 34岁被指控偷窃战争纪念品和安大略省格拉文赫斯特加拿大皇家军团的其他物品。 Two individuals, Ashley Schell, 32, and Jesse Dawson, 34, have been charged with stealing war memorabilia and other items from the Royal Canadian Legion in Gravenhurst, Ontario. 被盗物品包括两场世界大战的纪念品、轮椅和衣服,价值超过5 000美元。 The stolen items include memorabilia from both World Wars, a wheelchair, and clothing, valued over $5,000. 利用监控录像和社区援助查明了嫌疑人。 The suspects were identified using surveillance footage and community assistance. 警方仍在努力追回被盗物品,并敦促公众向布雷斯布里奇警察署提供任何信息。 Police are still trying to recover the stolen items and are urging the public to provide any information to the Bracebridge OPP.