三个宾夕法尼亚州的男人 被判有罪 数十年之久的盗窃 艺术和纪念品 价值数百万。 Three Pennsylvania men were found guilty of a decades-long heist of art and memorabilia worth millions.
三个宾夕法尼亚州的男人 被判有罪 盗窃珍贵的艺术 和体育纪念品 价值数百万 从博物馆 在东北部各地 20年。 Three Pennsylvania men were found guilty of stealing valuable art and sports memorabilia worth millions from museums across the Northeast over two decades. 该团体是9人组的一部分,偷走了安迪·沃霍尔的绘画和冠军带等物品,将其融化并出售金属。 The group, part of a nine-person crew, stole items like Andy Warhol paintings and championship belts, melting them down and selling the metal. 其他5名船员已认罪,正在等待判决,而3名被定罪者面临相当长的监禁时间。 Five other crew members have pled guilty and are awaiting sentencing, while the three convicted face significant prison time.