两名嫌疑人被捕,其中一名在南卡罗来纳州万宝路县发生枪击、追逐和撞车后在逃。 Two suspects arrested, one at large after shootings, chase, and crash in Marlboro County, SC.
在南卡罗来纳州万宝路县,一起枪击事件导致了追逐、撞车和追捕。 In Marlboro County, South Carolina, a shooting led to a chase, crash, and manhunt. 两名嫌疑人在一名副手看到银色土星向贝内茨维尔的一辆汽车开枪后被捕。 Two suspects were arrested after a deputy saw a silver Saturn shoot into a vehicle in Bennettsville. 三人逃跑,其中一人仍然在逃。 Three people fled, with one still at large. 当局,包括一个猎犬队,与社区合作,抓住嫌疑人并继续调查。 Authorities, including a bloodhound team, worked with the community to catch the suspects and continue the investigation.