新南威尔士州警方接受697M美元的工资交易,四年内至少将工资提高25%。 NSW police accept $697M wage deal, boosting salaries by at least 25% over four years.
新南威尔士州警官接受了6.97亿美元的工资交易,在四年内将大多数警察的薪金至少增加25%。 New South Wales police officers have accepted a $697 million wage deal, increasing most salaries by at least 25% over four years. 该协议得到新南威尔士州96%的警察协会成员的支持,包括改进灵活工作安排、压缩薪资表和向高级警官一次性支付5 400美元。 The agreement, backed by 96% of Police Association of NSW members, includes improved flexible work arrangements, condensed pay scales, and a $5,400 one-off payment for senior officers. 这项交易旨在解决人员短缺问题,并引发了其他部门类似工资增长的要求。 The deal aims to address staffing shortages and has sparked demands for similar wage increases in other sectors.