新西兰政府在南塔拉纳基拜特省快速跟踪海底采矿提案,尽管法院拒绝和安全关切。 New Zealand government fast-tracks seabed mining proposal in South Taranaki Bight, despite court rejections and safety concerns.
新西兰人反对海底采矿 (KASM) 谴责新西兰政府不顾先前的法院拒绝和安全问题,快速跟踪 Trans Tasman Resources 在南塔拉纳基湾的海底铁砂开采提案。 Kiwis Against Seabed Mining (KASM) condemned the New Zealand government for fast-tracking Trans Tasman Resources’ seabed iron sand mining proposal in the South Taranaki Bight, despite prior court rejections and safety concerns. KASM警告可能对海洋生物,包括独特的鲸鱼物种造成伤害。 KASM warns of potential harm to marine life, including unique whale species. 政府的决定遭到绿色和平组织和世界自然基金会等环保组织的强烈反对,称生态系统和当地社区在决策过程中的声音受到威胁。 The government’s decision faces backlash from environmental groups like Greenpeace and WWF, citing threats to ecosystems and local communities' voices in decision-making processes.